A Special Moment
What is it?
Why is it?
Where, when and how is it?
How was it for you?
These are questions that maybe you or I want to answer, or maybe we don’t, either way, it’s our choice and I’m glad we made the right decision.
On a recent trip to a country where they possibly eat too much pasta, a certain member – drum programmer – of a certain band that I may or may not play in, went for dinner with me and a few others, who may also, and probably are, in this very same band. As we seated ourselves strategically around the roundest table these eyes have ever seen, I noticed this programmer had seated himself closer than usual to me – one might say as they do in the Americas, ‘like, right next to me?’. We started our usual pre starters chit chat – how are the families back home? Why are certain countries poorer than others? Are we having desert? Why not? Do my culottes really look more like a dress? It was after this very culottes question that the guy next to me gave me a look that said…’I wish you were on the desert menu’. Although I usually can’t read minds like Misty Meg, on this one occasion, I got a very clear non verbal communication (NVC). A possible rating of 8 on the NVC scale, which is pretty high, as we know. I felt slightly flustered, as this was very new territory for us. I tried to NVC him right back, but the lines were cloudy and I could see he hadn’t read my signals. I had tried to NVC him……’just because im suffering from muffin-top-itus at the moment doesn’t mean I’m on the desert menu’. I could sense he picked up part of the message, but not all of it, which prompted him to verbalise in front of everyone…’I don’t think they are’ , which just led to confusion, for us and the waiter, who had just brought a jug of water and weird giant Tayto’s, or el popodoms, as he called them
After we ate the giant tayto’s, everything returned to normal. It was only later on, while walking through the winding streets of this little town that my friend turned to me and VC’d to me that while in the restaurant, he experienced what he liked to call a ‘Homoment’ - A very brief moment in time where he felt a sudden urge to kiss me, as in he was totally hot for throwing the lips on me. I replied, ‘that’s weird’. Then we talked about the rugby and both agreed that Paul O’ Connell was definitely the best at jumping very high.